How we work
We can be flexible to meet your needs and processes, however below is a guide to how we work with you to complete cases:

Stage 1
You upload the relevant documents to our secure portal, this includes: FactFind, Meeting Notes, Risk Profiling Questionnaire, Existing Scheme Information, the Advice Given with reasoning and Illustrations for the recommended products.
We can then go through this information and start building your report.

Stage 2
We will look though the documents provided and produce a high quality report with supporting documentation such as SelectAPension reports, CashFlows and research notes.
Our turnaround time is 10 working days, however we aim to be flexible to suit your needs.

Stage 3
We will upload the report and supporting documentation back onto the secure portal for you to save onto your systems.
You can review the documents provided, and if you wish for us to make any changes, send us a message and this will be done and re-uploaded to the portal.